Monday, June 30, 2008

I hope George Carlin Changed His Mind....

My second article on entertainment current events in two days, that in itself shows the end is near. I really didn't know much about George Carlin so I sat down today and clicked on a couple of YouTube videos of him and his comedy routines. How sad! In the majority of them, he not only dismisses Christianity but even goes as far as to make fun of my Savior. I Pray that he changed his mind before he met his end because if not I'm sure he heard all those words that he had said and regretted their presence ever being upon his lips. I also Pray that anyone who followed him opens their eyes to see that God is real and that Jesus does exist! I Pray that they come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. My, my how we need to Pray for our nation and world.


Anonymous said...

ALESHA just found this site may be of use.Love alan.

Anonymous said...

St.Aleshu here in uk i have about 900 TV channels with about 30% crude after 9pm.keep praying for your nation in these last days not many things left to happen before JESUS comes back.sad part is to see christian walking a wide road when they should be walking a narrow road.taking GODs grace for granted. thanks for a good of God to you all.pray to GOD to give you a word on sin and the law to give your reader's thats a TAG.??? trust in the Lord to point you to something.St. poddy