Monday, June 25, 2007

VBS ........ Spartanburg

Last night as we drove home from church, my eye caught a glimpse of a familiar sight. A Bible School bus from Spartanburg, S.C. Now, I attend a big church now that I love! However, growing up I attended Tugglesville Baptist, a small church about 2 minutes from where I lived at that time. I can remember seeing the buses and getting all excited. This was so awesome to me and to all those that I grew up with. First Baptist of Spartanburg had a ministry called Kentucky Missions which brought adults and teens to my area to teach Vacation Bible School.
As I got older, it became even more exciting. First of all, as a young girl, my friends and I thought that the male teenage teachers were so cute! Secondly, I began to create lots of friends that I would continue to correspond with throughout the year. I actually met my friend Kristi (the same Kristi that turned me on to blogging) through VBS. She came back during the year and spent time with Brooke Helton and I. She was such a role model to me even though we are only a year or so apart. Imagine my surprise when I discovered her blog, Good Like A Medicine on here! I also met Ann, who also has a blog now. She and Kristi were friends in S.C. just like Brooke and I were here in Ky. I love the fact that I had the opportunity to meet these girls and to experience God through them and with them.

Brooke, Me, Kristi at Union College in 99

I also have been introduced to the story of Hannah Sobeski, who I have mentioned in previous blog entries, a young teenager who stood for God throughout her battle with cancer. Hannah was also a VBS teacher with this group. I know first hand of the lives here in Ky that she touched as I have had a few of the students in my school who were her VBS students.

Kristen, Hannah, and Annie VBS at Calloway

I am almost 26 now, but the excitement of seeing those buses still came over me. What a wonderful missionary work for God. I thank God for First Baptist of Spartanburg for all the years they spent teaching me about God. I thank God for all the friends that He sent me through this missionary work including Randy who has pictures of me as a small child all the way through high school.
I don't attend the same church now (as I mentioned above) and I probably don't know most of the folks that are here, but I know that they come from generations of awesome times in studying about God. Join me this week and throughout the years to come in Prayer for these wonderful folks who are working hard to see people in Eastern Kentucky Saved. Let's Pray a special blessing upon their lives and their ministry.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Hey Alesha! I can't believe it! That picture of us 3 made my heart jump! I love that picture. It took me back in time and I just couldn't believe it, I had to show mom the pic! I missed the times that we had together going to VBS and seeing them all at Union and I also miss all the other times that me and you had together, [see our close to matching necklaces =) *hehe*]. Those days were so much fun weren't they? :) Well I just had to stop by and comment u on the pic. It has made my evening! I love you Alesha. Take care & I hope things are going well for you! Love you, ~*Brooke*~