Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rock Hill, SC ... Romans 8:28

Hi all:
I am currently spending the week in Rock Hill, SC with my hubby. He is here for a training. We have had a really good time thus far. We've had the opportunity to spend time with his co-workers and his boss and their families. It's been fun. Today's agenda includes shopping with Michael's boss Travis' wife Tara (wow that was a mouthful!) and a trip to Carowinds Amusement Park with the hubbies after they get out of training.) It will be fun! It's sort of a good thing that I am not pregnant yet. At least I can ride the rides tonight : )
Things are about the same in every other area of life. Work is still the same, still tryin' for a child, yada, yada, yada. The only different thing is me. I have been feeling really odd lately. It's because of the stress that I have been under this whole summer. Things are just all up in the air in a lot of areas of life and I am Praying my way through them.
Last night, I was alone in the hotel spa while Michael was in the weight room. I sat there and Prayed for God to continue to be My Strength throughout all of the things that are going on. I know to some it seems really silly. The thing is, I have real issues with change. And I know that people say that life is full of change and that I should just get over that. My thoughts are this, I know people are trying to be helpful. I totally know life is full of change. I have been through a lot of personal loss, which to me is one of the most major life changes you could ever go through. I also know that In have different issues than some of these same people. To know, I mean to really know, is to be in those shoes.
Do I sound mean? I really am not trying to. And those of you reading this entry, please know that I absolutely do not mean this directed towards you. Actually, its not directed to anyone in particular, just general groups that don't even read my this blog. I am just writing to relieve my issues with everything. I just get overwhelmed with emotions and it stresses me to feel as though folks are assessing my emotions and deciding how I should be responding. *sigh* Oh well.
Sorry if that seems negative, I promise this isn't negative. I know God is working in my life to create a path for me that has definite tasks to accomplish. Sometimes being broken takes you back to closer times in your walk with God. We have to use our "situations" in a positive way in order to make the suffering count. Our God is so good, isn't He?
Keep Praying about work, me (my heart and feelings), our trip here in SC and home, as well as babies hopefully in the really near future!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Hey Alesha! It seems like your having a good time in Rock Hill, SC! :) Glad you are! I'm here at home enjoying my week with my brother. He'll be going back to NYC Thursday :(. So tomorrow we are going to go to the lake and make it worthwhile! :) ..And thanks for checking in on my blog. I had just read it. I decided to go to it tonight after so long and check in on it. Thanks for encouraging me to continue with it and all. :) I just got to get in the groove I guess. *lol* But I'm going to go now. I got to get in the bed, got to get up early! TTYL! Love, Brooke