Sunday, December 31, 2006

Out with the old... In with the new! JESUS, NOT MY WILL BUT THY WILL BE DONE

Well.... Happy New Year.... umm almost. This is usually a sad time of year for me, as I have issues with letting things go and saying goodbye. However, I am determined to not get too down this year because I really have nothing to be down about. You ask, are things perfect in your life? My simple reply.... nope! But God has blessed me TREMENDOUSLY by sending His son JESUS to die for me and offering me the awesome FREE gift of salvation. He has also blessed me with a WONDERFUL family including my top of the notch parents and brother, AWESOME hubby, GOOD career and education, Amazing church and pastor, EXCELLENT friends (including those who dwell with Jesus now... I love you Danielle!), Good health, etc. I could go on and on and on... So here I sit, 25 minutes until 2007 and I thank God for all these good and special blessings. I thank Him for all his mercies in my life.

Heavenly Father,

I praise you for who you are, have been, and always will be. I thank you so much for sending your Precious Son JESUS, to die in my place. How amazing that You would go through all that suffering for me, before I was even a seed in my mother's womb. Yet you knew me even then. Praise God! Thank you for my mom and dad and for all the love they have shown me throughout my 25 years. A love that mirrored that of yours. Thank you for them and bless them tremendously Jesus for their lifelong service to you. May their days be long upon this earth if it be THY will. Thank you for my Godly little brother. Amazing that He is going to start of 2007 by getting his permit to drive. Lord, please preserve him physically as he learns this trade. Most importantly God, continue to preserve him spiritually. I praise you for answering my prayers to keep him on the straight and narrow pathway. I also praise you for healing his body through his health situations this year. May we always bring the praise to you for all our healing and well being. I thank you for blessing me with a wonderful husband who has grown so much in you in this past year. I thank you for our ups and our downs. I thank you for being right there through it all. I thank you for teaching us to build upon Your rock for a firm foundation. I thank you for my in laws who far surpass what I could have hoped for. They truly are family to me. I thank you for my friends, those present on earth and those present in Heaven. Thank you for their influences in my life. I thank you for my career and my education. I could have NEVER made it without you. And Jesus, you don't just see that we get by when we need you, you truly bring us out on top. I would have NEVER graduated as Salutatorian of Union in 03 without your guidance and blessings. I thank you for that, not for the glory of it, but for the blessing that you reaffirmed to me that hard work really does pay off. I thank you for my wonderful church and the greatest pastor preaching today! I am so mesmerized by your word and your influence on my little pastor William Boyd. I truly see YOU in him. Lord, I thank you for anything else that fails my mind at this moment. I thank you for seeing me and my family through another year.
Lord, I humbly ask of you now that your will be done in ALL areas of my life this year. I pray that You keep my family and I guarded in a special hedge of protection. Lord, build a hedge of protection around my friends, my church, my pastor and his family, my students, and all those that I love. I ask that you guide Michael and I in the year ahead to make correct decisions and good choices. Help us in all areas that we need help in. Most importantly, help us to totally surrender all to you. We want nothing more than for you to be the link that ALWAYS ties our marriage together. Without you, WE WILL FAIL. Lord, please help me to achieve better health in the upcoming year. Help me to feel more energized and to make more health conscious decisions. I pray that for my whole family. Lord, heal my mother and father and brother of any ailments that remain in their bodies. Heal us all of mental, physical, spiritual, etc because we need this more than anything. Thank you Jesus for everything that you do every second of every day. I love you with my whole heart and soul even if I sometimes fail to show it properly. May I grow in you this upcoming year more than any year in the past. I love you Jesus and I desire your presence in everything I do. In your name I pray, Amen.

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