I have been waiting since the museum opened at the end of May to get the opportunity to visit the Creation Museum. I finally got to go. It was great. Various scenes from the Bible spelled out Creation and God's purpose for mankind. There were tons of things to see and I could only capture so much.... here's what I got. Enjoy! And please visit Answers in Gensis for more information. (Click here for a visitor to the museum's view on his visit.)
Ps. There were comparisons of how Mt. St. Helen's resembled the flood on a small scale. There were also tons of info proving the earth's true story from the Bible.
Click here to read the King James Version Biblical account from Genesis of Creation including the account of Adam and Eve, their sin, their kids, the first murder, etc.
Woolly Rhinoceros skeleton
A child and a dinosaur playing together.
The 7 C's
Fossils and their time line according to the Bible
A Chameleon
Models of Archaeologist surveying the bones.
Keith and a Dino... looks like its about to eat his head!
Sign comparing God's Word and the real way fossils came about compared to human reason.
Up close of God's Word
A sign that some random man stepped in front of right as I was taking the picture. It shows a time line according to God's Word.
Abraham and Moses
King David
Martin Luther Posts His Note.
The Bible in another language.
The Bible in Hebrew.
Interesting... Charles Templeton, a missionary alongside Billy Graham, decided that he didn't believe that Creation could be exactly true according to the Bible. Sad!
I liked this wall.... a wall of current events and sinful things. It totally describes our world today.
This sign is so true!
That's sad! Only 44%! And only 9% of teens!
Pretty sad, too. My pastor has quoted this!
Creation is scientific, just following God's science.
I really liked this sign. Sorry it's a little hard to read.
A bear in the forest.
Deer and Carrie.
In the beginning.... here's Adam naming the animals.
The Tree of Life
Adam and Eve knew no nakedness before they sinned.
Thinking of getting hitched? Here's the Doctrine of Marriage.
The Tree of Life upclose.
A dino eating.
Look who's lurking around the bin.
An upclose view of satan as a serpent.
Eww... even this scares me. I hate snakes.
Eve offering fruit to Adam. This was interesting to me because the fruit was small like grapes. We always think of apples, but it doesn't actually say that in the Bible. Reference....Genesis 3:6 KJV
I took this for my cousin Jessica... She and I had talked about birth pains being as close to death as you could possibly be. This happened after we sinned. Pain was introduced. Here's the verse we found that references birth being close to death.... Jhn 16:21 KJV A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.
Sacrificing .... offerings of sacrifice were now required... not now for us because Jesus was our sacrifice!
A dinosaur creeping around looking for flesh ... quite different than before when they only ate veggies... see the above sign.
After effects of Adam's sin
The dino that the other dinosaur was dining on.... the flesh he craved.
Adam bears a son.... Cain..... aka the saying*Raising Cain*
Adam teaching Cain to till the ground.
Their meager home.
A very pregnant Eve with son Abel. He grows up to be a keeper of the sheep.
Ever wondered this? I hope this pic is big enough to read.
"Am I my brother's keeper?" asks Cain after murdering Abel.
The story!
One of my favorite scenes....
Looks pretty good to be 969 years old : )
Sorry its sideways... I haven't figured out how to fix it yet.
The ark and how it was protected with Pitch.
According to the sign, Noah was probably a wealthy man who hired ship builders to help him build the ark. These builders were talking about how crazy he was.
Women discuss the *flood* Noah speaks of.
Michael alongside the replica of the outer wall of the Ark.
Rather large isn't it. Can you imagine?
Still showing off the height!
A replica of what the inside of the ark may have looked like.
A model of the inside
Interesting! It says the size of this replica (even though it was really tall) was only 1% of the volume of the real Ark!
A model of the ark.
The ark as it began to flood. Notice the mountain with people climbing up on top.
Upclose of the folks getting ready to drown.
Inside the ark.... what it may have looked like.
Hard to see, but this is a video clip showing the flood. The water looks like a tsunami! It also showed a model of the earth from outer space and it showed how fast the water moved to cover the whole earth. It was wild. The globe was covered in like seconds.
Hi! I am Alesha Ann Brittain Goodlett. I am 28 and I am married to Michael Thomas Goodlett. I teach at Page School Center in Pineville, Ky. I attend church at Binghamtown Baptist Church where I have an awesome pastor and church family. I am originally from Bell County, Ky... Hulen, Ky then Pineville, Ky. I now live in Barbourville, Ky with my hubby.
I have suffered from infertility for the past 2 years. There have been times that I truly wasn't sure if I would ever be a mommy. God was faithful and good the entire time and He taught me so many things that I count as valuable lessons today. I would have never chosen this path, but He chose it for me and I feel blessed to have walked this road. I Pray that I can be a light to others who have been down this path or who are in need of Jesus. My big miracle in a little body is finally here! Praise to Jesus for this blessing. From a girl who had so many infertility issues that it seemed impossible... HE made the way!
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