Sunday, October 15, 2006

Reflection on Being a Servant of God

Hi Peoples:

Just wanted to speak hello to everyone. I once again urge you to Pray for Hannah that is discussed in yesterday's blog. Please keep her in your Prayers and keep asking those you know to pray for her.
Church was great today. It's so nice to be able to attend church with my husband and family and not feel like someone is being left out. I do want to see Michael's entire family back in church so that we can enjoy the same feeling with them when we attend church in Louisville. God will work that out, we just have to keep the faith that He will answer our prayers.
Our pastor talked about various ways we should serve God tonight. He discussed reasons like:
1. Serve the Lord joyfully and willingly (Deuteronomy 10:12-14)
2. Make a choice to serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)
3. Serve the Lord with Fear, and Rejoice with trembling (Psalms 2:11-12)
4. Serve Him with excitement and energy (Romans 7:6)
5. Serve Him with Love (Galations 5:13)

These ways really shine a light on our servanthood with our Savior. Think about a Master and his servant. A master doesn't want a servant that does things because he/she has to and does so with a bad attitude. A master also doesn't want a servant that shows he is serving him against his will. A master wants the servant to fear him because of his power and authority over him/her, yet he wants the servant to know that as long as he/she is doing what they should be they will be happy. A master desires a servant that quickly arises to his/her feet to do things for them with energy. Lastly, a master desires a servant to do things because he/she cares for him.
Now, obviously, not all "masters" and "servants" fit this mold. This is an ideal picture of servanthood with a PERFECT Master and His servant. We, as Jesus' servants, should first of all make the choice that we WANT to serve Him and that we ARE GOING TO serve Him, no matter what may come. Once we make that declaration, the other 4 ways of serving will be introduced into our lives more easily. When we know that we aren't doing something just because we have to do it, rather because we WANT to do it, we are more likely to give it our all. Think about it, why wouldn't we want to serve this Master, Perfect Master, who gave His all for us and who has Saved us. If someone gives you a gift at Christmas, do you not usually feel obligated to provide he/she with a gift in return. Jesus has given us a gift, should we not feel that obligation to return a gift of servanthood and praise to Him in return?
With that said, we should look at our obligation as an opportunity. This is an opportunity to do something to bring honor to Jesus. That in turn should make us joyful and should make us willing to do things for Him. We fear Him not because we think He is this strict ruler who is just waiting for us to mess up, rather because we know that He has ALL the power to do anything. We fear in the sense that we acknowledge we haven't done anything on our own and that everything we have is given to us because He wanted to bless us. He was rich when we were poor and He saved us and gave us all that we have just because He loves us.
Lastly, do you not love someone who really does things for you that make them go out of their way? Someone who provides encouragement and praise when you need it. Someone who lightens your load whenever possible? That person multiplied by infinity, is Jesus Christ. He has done so much for us, even by giving you the breath you are inhaling at this moment. Should that not give us the desire to serve Him with love? To love every opportunity that presents itself to glorify Him? Yes, it should! And we should be energetic in these things, not down and out. We should smile and have a good countness about ourselves. We are children of the King. How awesome! We have all the riches that will ever be laid up for us just because our Heavenly Father loves us. Praise God for His love.
I pray that you, as well as myself, will take these 5 ways to serve God serious and will put them into action in your life. I also pray that I, myself, can be a support for you and that any of you reading these posts, can be a support to me.

In Jesus' Love,

Alesha : )

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