Saturday, January 26, 2008


It's quiet, cold, and kind of dark here this morning. The hum of my space heaters and the click of my keys are all that I hear. Yet again I have a longing. Actually a few. I am longing for the excitement of finding out and announcing that a precious child is on his/her way. I long to experience even the hardest parts of being pregnant and welcoming a new spirit into our lives. I long to see this child that I have been praying for even before he/she is even in existence here on earth. I long to let my eyes behold it and to fall completely in love, to watch it grow and to have the opportunity to ask for God's guidance in the molding of his/her little life.

I also long for home. I don't want to die and I am not being morbid at all. I am talking about Resurrection Day and the excitement that will come with that. I long to see my Father's face. I long to kiss the nail prints in my Savior's hands and feet and thank Him in the best way that I know how, with tears and songs of praise! I long to see my loved ones and my precious friends who have made Heaven there home. I long to have no more worries and stress, no more confusion or sadness. I long to be at peace.

But until God is ready to provide an end to either of my longings, I will continue to serve Him because I know that He knows what's best.

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